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Laikipia Plateau

One of the conservation success stories of Africa’s most important species.

Why choose

Laikipia Plateau

The Laikipia district is a vast plateau of 8000 sq km that extends from the Great Rift Valley to the escarpments that descend into the Northern Frontier District. Laikipia National Park, northwest of Mount Kenya, is home to all of Kenya's wildlife. It borders to the north with the Samburu National Reserve, to the east with Meru and with Lago Baringo to the west.

The region is home to some of the endangered species, such as Grevys' zebra and Jackson's harrier.

The Ewaso Nyiro and Ewaso Narok rivers flow through this beautiful region, feeding rich vegetation and transforming the surrounding landscape with vast grasslands and dense cedar forests.

Once an area with a high density of herds and cattle farms, it was later transformed into an area of ​​conservation and preservation of wild nature.

It is no coincidence that this region is considered the gateway to the wild and delicate northern ecosystem of Kenya.

Activities & Accommodations
Laikipia Plateau

Here you can try your hand at activities such as riding lessons and short horseback rides, camel rides, fishing and archery.

Some of the best eco-lodges in all of Kenya are located on this plateau: Sabuk Lodge is a small lodge in a spectacular cliff top location that offers a truly one of a kind experience. Enjoy well-deserved relaxation in the stone bathtubs overlooking the surrounding landscape.

The Ol Lentille Sanctuary is located in a private reserve within the Naibunga Conservancy.

The Sosian Ranch is a ranch dating back to the 1940s. Its colonial style offers us a unique experience and takes us back to that period when the area was free from external contamination. Enjoy its spectacular view of Mount Kenya .

When to visit Laikipia Plateau

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Which Safari to choose to admire the Laikipia Plateau?

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Laikipia Plateau

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